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Mock Job Interviews

Mock Job Interviews were not held in 2021 due to the Covid lockdown. However, we were able to hold covid-safe interviews at Melbourne Girls’ College once again this year, following our usual format. Eighty-four students from Year 10 were given the
opportunity to attend a ‘mock-job’ interview. The twenty-four interviewers were members of the Rotary Club of Richmond, Friends of the Rotary Club of Richmond and community leaders.

Erin Edgely and Mella Pescos are the Career Teachers from Melbourne Girls’. They told us that this year they had more than the usual number of last-minute ‘drop-outs’ and suggested that it could be caused by last year’s lock-down and student anxiety.
There are 16 students kept in ‘reserve’ and all of these were called in for interviews this year.


The program continues to be integrated into the school’s curriculum. This has ensured that all of the 260 x Year 10 students complete the Applying for a Job Tutorial Program and complete covering letters and resumes. From this group the students
identified with the greatest need were selected for the 84 interview places, as well as the sixteen reservists.


A week after the interviews a meeting was scheduled to be held with Rotary Club of Richmond member and the school to de-brief and look at any changes that could be made to improve the program for the following year. Feedback from the interviewers
was requested and was to be considered. However, due to a fourth ‘lockdown’ for Melbourne, this de-briefing has not yet taken place at the time of writing this report. The result of the de-briefing will be included in next year’s report.

Nia Holdenson

Students at the Park
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