Winter Solstice -shortest hours of daylight this year. From tomorrow the daylight start getting longer. Yippee
From the President
Hello everyone, We resume our Face-to-Face meeting on this coming Monday night at AMORA looking forward to seeing everyone. I will be inducting Gabe Parr to our Rotary Club of Richmond. Gabe was a former Rotarian of the Club of Melbourne Park. Also she will be our guest speaker “Behind the Badge”. Part of the Centenary celebrations of Rotary Australia and New Zealand the Interact Club of Melbourne Girls College and Rotary Club of Richmond are donating a PEACE POLE to be installed very shortly in a prominent place at Melbourne Girls College. A formal ceremony will take place in retrospect for my year as President. The Funding for PEACE POLE was provided by Jo Cowling and Anna Walpole. See you all on Monday evening, please take care and stay safe.
Anna Walpole President
Down Memory Lane
People may have seen the news item that the Australian Men’s Club in Sydney has voted to stay men only. Going down memory lane, Rotary decided to admit women in Australia in the 80’s. As each club had its own constitution each club had to vote to change. In the 80’s the men only concepts for community based organisations such as Rotary were past their use by date. However, surprisingly, two members spoke in favour of Richmond remaining male only. Doug Wysham and Tom Wilding. Far from promoting Rotary being men only they presented a very impressive argument that there should be provision of mixed clubs, female clubs and male clubs and the reason why. As it turned out the law made it illegal, so it did not matter. Both Doug and Tom went on to serve RCR for a long period and Tom actually proposed our second female member, Janice Kesterton. The first being Beryl Golding.
-John Benger
News from Nepal.
The monsoon season has started which is normal, but this year there is more flooding. This is the letter from Netra
Namaste Isabel
Some sad news in Kangel. 2 people die one is young boy.
He is 20 and other is old he is almost 90 I think. But both from corona. One Kangel teacher where Eddy help the children that school teacher is very sick. And remember that Thakumala headmaster when we walk Bruce try to go toilet. That headmaster also very ill.
Hospitals in Nepal are fairly basic and I think the family is expected to supply Sadly rain so flooding near Kathmandu. It is Sindupalchok district. I send some pictures.
I get pictures from Kangel and Sindupalchok people. Sindupalchock is quite close to Kathmandu and was an area which was badly affected by the earthquake in 2015. It looks as if the whole street is covered in mud and first floor has gone underwater. The floods are outside the area we are helping so there is nothing we can do.
Help needed – Camberwell Market
Each Sunday Rotarian Isabel Armer has a Market Stall at the Camberwell Market and she would welcome support from fellow
Richmond Rotarians and FORR.
The time slot would be between 10 and 1pm which includes pack up of the Market Stall - all proceeds go the RCR Bright Future Project Nepal.
If you can assist Isabel please contact her directly Email: